Meet Chris Duncan

Chris Duncan is a San Clemente City Councilmember and former federal prosecutor in the Department of Homeland Security. A father of three, Chris is committed to putting the middle class first, lowering costs for working families, and ensuring every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe and thriving community.

Proven Leadership in San Clemente

  • As City Councilmember and former Mayor, Chris has:

  • Enhanced public safety by adding two fire helicopters, deploying police officers in high-risk areas, and establishing social worker outreach teams, leading to a 23% reduction in homelessness.

  • Protected women’s rights by safeguarding the right to choose.

  • Advocated for smart growth and affordable housing.

  • Supported job creation and invested in clean energy.

  • Preserved local beaches, securing millions in state ad federal funds.

  • Helped small businesses survive the pandemic.

A Career Dedicated to Justice

After the 9/11 attacks, Chris answered the call to public service, spending over 16 years as a federal prosecutor. His accomplishments include:

  • Tackling political corruption and corporate wrongdoing.

  • Prosecuting child predators, drug smugglers, and human traffickers with a 97% conviction rate.

  • As Assistant Chief Counsel at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Chris penalized foreign companies for trade violations and rooted out government corruption, earning several awards.

Fighting for the California Dream

Chris is committed to preserving the California Dream for future generations. In the Assembly, he will:

  • Enforce tougher gun safety laws.

  • Fully fund police and support effective homeless solutions.

  • Lower taxes, utility costs, and insurance premiums for the middle class.

  • Stand firm on supporting women’s reproductive rights.

Understands the California Dream

Chris holds law degrees from Georgetown University Law Center and the University of Hawaii School of Law. He graduated with honors from Boston College. Chris lives in San Clemente with his wife, Haley, who runs a small business, and their three children, who attend local public schools.

Chris Duncan is running in the new 74th Assembly District, representing South Orange County and North County San Diego, including Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Oceanside, Vista, and Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base.

“The truth is our Assemblymember doesn’t have a record to run on. She missed 907+ votes, so she’s making up insane lies about me. I fought crime as a border prosecutor for 16 years. As San Clemente Mayor, I cut costs and cut homelessness 23%. I’ll show up for you and fight for the middle class – like I always have.” Chris Duncan